In a world facing major environmental threats, Europe stands by its commitments from the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) and has agreed concrete measures in the European Green Deal: become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 while improving economic competitiveness. In this direction, our project offers technologies for driving a tomorrow’s greener Planet by enzyming textiles, detergents and cosmetics.
In FuturEnzyme, a multi-disciplinary and multi-actor consortium of 16 leading academic and industrial partners will develop technologies of the FUTURe for low-cost ENZYMEs for environment-friendly products.
The consortium will develop the most advanced innovative solutions in a fast-track to market platform to discover, design, optimise and formulate enzymes.
The high-tech enzyme development platform will use big biodata mining of both public and internal databases and bio-resources, and disruptive machine learning, activity-based bioprospecting, protein engineering, nano-biotechnology, upscale fermentation, and downstream processing systems.
The strong collaboration of the academic and industry partners will be supported by clusters, thus making sure we take a holistic approach. Analysing technology, market, consumer, and socio-economic demands, and assessing safety, risk, and life-cycle analysis during the technology and product development in an iterative process, will ensure the results will be effective and relevant.
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